In her book Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert writes, “the universe buries strange jewels deep within us, and then stands back to see if we can find them.” In other words, we all have creative abilities, but it’s down to us to explore and engage with them. Whether you’re considering a more fulfilling career path, or you’re bored of Netflix shows and want a proper hobby, you can find virtually any creative class that sparks your curiosity here in New York.
Writing Workshop at Gotham Writers
Gotham Writers has been providing workshops for wordsmiths for over 25 years. The scope of classes at this New York institution has something for everybody, regardless of whether they have a book idea marinating, a half-finished screenplay, or a sincere desire to improve their grammar.
555 Eighth Avenue, #1402, New York, NY, USA, 10018 +1 (212) 974-8377
Taught by jewelry designer Carolina Iwanow, this course was created to equip you with the knowledge and contacts to make your own pieces or collections. Learn how to work with metals like gold, sterling silver and brass, using specific techniques to achieve the textures and finishes you want. You’ll also leave with a list of industry suppliers so you can buy your own tools and supplies, continuing to experiment on your own time.
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Art at Dirty Hands
The art world can feel intimidating and pretentious. Not so at Dirty Hands, whose irreverent approach aims to help you “progress your mess.” Choose from classes including watercolors, “tape”, and character drawing, and let your imagination roam, judgement free.
55 Chrystie Street, R 105, New York, NY, USA, 10002 +1 (646) 330-0621
Glasswork at Urban Glass
In leafy Fort Greene, one of the city’s oldest glasswork studios lets you get seriously experimental with the material. From stained glass courses to weekends working with neon, plus glass blowing, kiln casting and something called “coldworking” (essentially shaping, carving, and decorating cold glass objects), this is the place to try your hand at home decor creation.
647 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 11217 +1 (718) 625-3685
Woodwork at Makeville Studio
Gowanus, Brooklyn has become somewhat of a haven for artists and creators of all ilks, and many of them teach as a way to bring in extra revenue. At Makeville Studio you can learn the basics of woodworking including using a lathe, routers, table saws and plenty of other essential tools, before progressing to a furniture making class.
119 8th Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 11215 +1 (917) 873-5542
Photography at the Art of Intuitive Photography
Rather than teaching technical skills, the Art of Intuitive Photography focuses on something that’s a little harder to learn—”how to see differently”—and compose a beautiful photo. Explore the city with your guide and practice storytelling through the lens, through deliberate framing and positioning of subjects. It will upgrade your Instagram game substantially.
Various locations +1 (646) 397-8138
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