What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 13, 2024

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Assess the gap


Provide training and coaching


Implement feedback and recognition


Facilitate collaboration and communication


Support innovation and change


Evaluate and improve


Here’s what else to consider

Quality Management (QM) is a systematic approach to ensuring that the products and services of an organization meet or exceed customer expectations and comply with relevant standards and regulations. QM involves planning, implementing, monitoring, and improving processes, procedures, and outcomes across the organization. QM success depends on the commitment and involvement of the top management, who are responsible for setting the vision, goals, and policies of QM, as well as allocating resources, empowering employees, and fostering a culture of quality.

However, what do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for QM success? How can you overcome the challenges and risks of having leaders who are not well-versed in QM principles, methods, and tools? Here are some possible strategies to help you address this situation.

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What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (1)

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  • What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (3) 3

  • Henrique Ochai Coordenador I Engenheiro Eletricista I Manutenção Máquinas e Equipamentos I Gestão de Processos I Indicadores de…

    What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (5) 2

  • Syed Fadzil Syed Mohamed, PEPC, CEng Fellow of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (FIEM)

    What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (7) 1

What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (8) What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (9) What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (10)

1 Assess the gap

The first step is to identify and analyze the gap between the current and desired level of QM skills and knowledge among your executives. You can use various methods to assess the gap, such as surveys, interviews, audits, benchmarks, or self-assessments. The gap analysis should cover both the technical and the behavioral aspects of QM, such as understanding the customer requirements, applying QM tools and techniques, leading QM initiatives, promoting QM culture, and managing QM performance.

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  • Syed Fadzil Syed Mohamed, PEPC, CEng Fellow of The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (FIEM)

    When executive leadership lacks the essential abilities, it can seriously impede an organization's capacity to attain quality excellence. In such circ*mstances, it is critical to create transparent, engaging, and inclusive collaboration and communication platforms that meet the company's unique quality management challenges and opportunities. These platforms should stimulate interaction, open communication, and prioritise quality improvement initiatives, which are motivated by a shared understanding and commitment to providing high-quality products or services. Organisations may reach their maximum potential and provide long-term, customer-centric solutions by eliminating executive skill gaps and cultivating a quality culture.


    What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (19) 1

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    The first step is to assess the gap between the current and desired level of quality management skills and knowledge among your executives. I use various methods to evaluate the gap, such as surveys, interviews, audits, benchmarks, or self-assessments. The gap analysis should cover both technical and behavioral aspects of quality management, such as understanding customer requirements, applying quality management tools and techniques, leading quality management initiatives, promoting a quality management culture, and managing quality management performance.

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  • Mubashir Ali-CSSGB™ Process Improvement Specialist | Certified Six Sigma Professional | Certified Lead Auditor ISO 9001 | Google Certified Project Manager

    Having worked in the garment industry for several years, I witnessed firsthand the challenges of implementing a robust Quality Management System (QMS) when executives lacked the necessary skills. Our company embarked on a program called the QMS Realignement Program to address this very issue. The program began with a comprehensive assessment. We conducted surveys and interviews with executives across departments like production, design, and quality control. This helped us identify specific areas where executives lacked the knowledge or application of ISO 9001 standards. For instance, some executives found data analysis for root cause analysis confusing, while others struggled to grasp the concept of preventive actions.

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2 Provide training and coaching

The second step is to design and deliver appropriate training and coaching programs to help your executives develop and enhance their QM skills and knowledge. You can use different formats and modes of training and coaching, such as online courses, workshops, seminars, webinars, podcasts, or mentoring. The training and coaching programs should be tailored to the specific needs, interests, and learning styles of your executives, as well as aligned with the QM goals and objectives of your organization.

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  • Trainingsprogramme sollten nicht nur Wissen vermitteln, sondern auch die Fähigkeit zur kritischen Analyse und zum strategischen Denken fördern. Ein Schwerpunkt sollte auf der Simulation realer Szenarien liegen, um Führungskräfte darauf vorzubereiten, Theorien in praktische, wirksame Maßnahmen umzusetzen. Dies steigert die Resilienz und Agilität Ihrer Führungsteams.



    What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (44) 3

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  • Henrique Ochai Coordenador I Engenheiro Eletricista I Manutenção Máquinas e Equipamentos I Gestão de Processos I Indicadores de Desempenho I Gestão de Contratos I Liderança de Equipes I Perito Judicial l Assistente Técnico da Justiça

    Organize sessões de treinamento ou workshops para os executivos sobre os princípios e práticas da Gestão da Qualidade. Explique a importância da qualidade para o sucesso geral da organização e como ela pode impactar positivamente a satisfação do cliente, a eficiência operacional e a reputação da marca.


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    The second step is to design and deliver suitable training and coaching programs to help your executives develop and enhance their quality management skills and knowledge. You can utilize various formats and modalities such as online courses, workshops, seminars, webinars, podcasts, or mentoring. Training and coaching programs should be tailored to the specific needs, interests, and learning styles of your executives, while also aligning with your organization's quality management goals and objectives.

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3 Implement feedback and recognition

The third step is to implement effective feedback and recognition mechanisms to monitor and motivate your executives' QM learning and improvement. You can use various sources and methods of feedback and recognition, such as customers, peers, subordinates, supervisors, consultants, or awards. The feedback and recognition mechanisms should be timely, constructive, specific, and consistent, as well as linked to the QM outcomes and impacts of your executives' actions and decisions.

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  • Mubashir Ali-CSSGB™ Process Improvement Specialist | Certified Six Sigma Professional | Certified Lead Auditor ISO 9001 | Google Certified Project Manager

    The program emphasized continuous improvement. After each training session, feedback sessions were conducted to gauge understanding and identify areas for improvement in the training itself. Recognizing progress was crucial. We implemented a system where executives who successfully implemented QMS principles in their departments were acknowledged and rewarded. This boosted morale and encouraged further participation.

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  • Feedbacksysteme sollten durch moderne AI-gestützte Tools ergänzt werden, die Echtzeitdaten und Leistungsindikatoren liefern. Dies ermöglicht eine objektivere Bewertung und fördert eine Kultur der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung. Anerkennung sollte nicht nur leistungsbezogen sein, sondern auch Innovationsgeist und proaktives Engagement honorieren.


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4 Facilitate collaboration and communication

The fourth step is to facilitate collaboration and communication among your executives and other QM stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, partners, or regulators. You can use different platforms and channels of collaboration and communication, such as meetings, forums, newsletters, blogs, social media, or dashboards. The collaboration and communication platforms and channels should be transparent, interactive, inclusive, and engaging, as well as focused on the QM issues and opportunities of your organization.

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    The fourth step is to facilitate collaboration and communication among your executives and other stakeholders in quality management, such as employees, clients, suppliers, partners, or regulators. You can utilize various collaboration and communication platforms and channels, such as meetings, forums, newsletters, blogs, social media, or dashboards. These platforms and channels should be transparent, interactive, inclusive, and engaging, while focusing on your organization's quality management issues and opportunities.

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  • Mubashir Ali-CSSGB™ Process Improvement Specialist | Certified Six Sigma Professional | Certified Lead Auditor ISO 9001 | Google Certified Project Manager

    One of the biggest hurdles in our initial QMS implementation was a siloed work environment. The program addressed this by establishing regular cross-departmental meetings. These meetings not only fostered communication but also helped break down departmental barriers. Executives could discuss challenges, share best practices, and find collaborative solutions to quality issues.

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5 Support innovation and change

The fifth step is to support innovation and change in your organization's QM practices and processes, as well as in your executives' QM mindsets and behaviors. You can use various strategies and tactics to support innovation and change, such as brainstorming, prototyping, piloting, scaling, or adopting best practices. The innovation and change strategies and tactics should be creative, agile, adaptive, and responsive, as well as aligned with the QM vision and values of your organization.

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  • Henrique Ochai Coordenador I Engenheiro Eletricista I Manutenção Máquinas e Equipamentos I Gestão de Processos I Indicadores de Desempenho I Gestão de Contratos I Liderança de Equipes I Perito Judicial l Assistente Técnico da Justiça

    Encoraje os executivos a liderar pelo exemplo e a promover uma cultura organizacional que valorize a qualidade em todos os níveis. Isso pode envolver reconhecer e recompensar o desempenho de qualidade, incentivar a colaboração entre as equipes e fornecer recursos adequados para aprimoramento contínuo.



    What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (101) 2

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  • Mubashir Ali-CSSGB™ Process Improvement Specialist | Certified Six Sigma Professional | Certified Lead Auditor ISO 9001 | Google Certified Project Manager

    The program encouraged a culture of continuous improvement within the leadership team. Executives were empowered to suggest changes to existing processes to better align with QMS principles. For example, a suggestion from the design team led to the implementation of a new sample approval process, minimizing errors in production. This instilled a sense of ownership and innovation in the leadership, making them champions of the QMS.

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  • Fördern Sie eine Kultur, in der Fehler als Lernmöglichkeiten gesehen werden und iterative Ansätze (wie Agile und Lean Management) zur Norm werden. Dies ermutigt Führungskräfte, Risiken intelligent zu managen und fördert eine schnellere Anpassung an neue Marktbedingungen.


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6 Evaluate and improve

The sixth and final step is to evaluate and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your QM skills development program for your executives, as well as the QM performance and results of your organization. You can use different measures and indicators to evaluate and improve, such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, process quality, product quality, or financial performance. The evaluation and improvement measures and indicators should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), as well as based on the QM standards and expectations of your organization and its stakeholders.

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    The sixth and final step is to assess and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your quality management skills development program for your executives, as well as your organization's quality management performance and results. You can use various measures and indicators to assess and improve, such as customer satisfaction, employee engagement, process quality, product quality, or financial performance. These assessment and improvement measures and indicators should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound), and aligned with quality management standards and your organization's and stakeholders' expectations.

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  • Mubashir Ali-CSSGB™ Process Improvement Specialist | Certified Six Sigma Professional | Certified Lead Auditor ISO 9001 | Google Certified Project Manager

    The program wasn't a one-time fix. Regular audits were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the implemented QMS. These audits identified areas where further training or process adjustments were needed. Additionally, the program itself was reviewed periodically to adapt to changing needs and industry best practices.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Henrique Ochai Coordenador I Engenheiro Eletricista I Manutenção Máquinas e Equipamentos I Gestão de Processos I Indicadores de Desempenho I Gestão de Contratos I Liderança de Equipes I Perito Judicial l Assistente Técnico da Justiça

    Ajude os executivos a implementar sistemas e processos de Gestão da Qualidade em suas respectivas áreas de responsabilidade. Isso pode incluir a definição de metas e métricas de qualidade, o estabelecimento de procedimentos operacionais padrão e a introdução de ferramentas de monitoramento e melhoria contínua.


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  • Integrieren Sie ethische Überlegungen und Nachhaltigkeitspraktiken in Ihr QM-System. Dies beinhaltet die Bewertung von Lieferketten, die Minimierung von Umweltauswirkungen und die Förderung von fairer Arbeit. Solche Praktiken sind nicht nur ethisch wichtig, sondern stärken auch das Markenimage und die Kundenloyalität.


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Quality Management What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (150)

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What do you do if your executives lack the essential skills for Quality Management success? (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.